Inscris-toi pour écrire dans l'encyclopédie Wikimini!


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I mean mood because i do not know where it is for the fact that i want to be wikimodo
This month, i'm the editor of The Wikiminaute.

On Wikimini

My story here (on Wikimini )

I discovered Wikimini 17 May 2014. The next day, I enrolled on wikimini.J'ai started well and after multiple renaming personal page, content deletion, account creations under different names (Chien2, Manteya etc ...) and message changes, I logically been blocked for 1 week June 19 2014.Je was not far from definitive blocking later ... then I made several friends .I am turned into a sort of wikitechnicien which is not un.Je'm busy like to welcome new users, calm some disputes, I modified articles, here quoi.La best thing that I did was to have brought many changes to Article Methodist Ladies' College (Melbourne) .

On my periods Wikimini

I'm on Wikimini since May 18, 2014, therefore 2 years, 5 months and 2 jours.J'ai stopped coming on this site the first time May 9, 2015 and came back 17 September 2014 I again arrested in February 2016.Depuis late May, I spend my time on Wikimini

On my goals Wikimini

My goal is to become wikimodo (besides, I already posted my application) and go Tenth wikichampions from the beginning.

My Friends On Wikimini

I wikichampion

I wikichampion the last seven days and since début.J'ai currently 1269 pts.

For those who want to see where they stand from the beginning:

Depuis le début (Top 50)

You have 60 points.It's good.Continue like that.

Reception committee

I am a member of the host committee, I often see here.

In life

My character

I'm pretty friendly except when people annoy me, then I blow a lead (which is common).

My friends in life

I know you do not know them but I told you their name:

  • Bülent
  • Duarte
  • Eren
  • Serhat

Map of itentité

  • Name: Yanis
  • Last name: Brabant
  • Age:&&&&&&&&&&&0675718 ans, 5 mois et 29 jours
  • Size: 1.4M
  • Weight: 37.7 KG
  • e-mail:

Other stuff

Where to find me

Sites created

My picture

Do you want to know what I look like? Look here

Thank you wikiminaute

Bg-pin.gif Thank you for reading my (long) homepage. If it made you want to become my friend (e). Come talk to me here .
Wikiboo Outils personnels